At the end of the summer Mallory had started to express some interest in getting her ears pierced. She asked Lonnie and he said it would be up to me(he was a little hesitant and didn't really know how to answer) so I thought about it and made a deal with Mal. I told her if she earned all Es and all As the first nine weeks of school then we would go get them pierced. On Friday she found out she had achieved that so off we went to get them done.
Morgan is "Pick of the Week" this week in her class so we had to make a poster with things that she likes. She picked out all of the accessories for the poster and I picked out the pictures.
Favorite food- spaghetti and meatballs
Favorite color- blue
Something she is good at- swimming
Favorite thing to play with- barbies
Something that might surprise people- she is good at the Wii( I wanted her to tell the class that she can be really mean but she didn't want them to know that! lol)
When she gets in trouble she- says I'm sorry
When she grows up she want to be- in a rock band
Siblings- Case and Mallory
Favorite thing to do at school- play in the housekeeping center with her friends