Since summer unofficially ended for me August 1st(start of vb season) I decided to take the kids to a few places before their summer ends. I had promised the
girls we would go to Potteryland. After visiting the dentist we stopped by. The girls got to pick out the piece of pottery they wanted & then the paint colors. An apron, brushes, paint, etc were all provided. They had such a good time I'm sure we will go again.

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Once you finish painting you leave the pottery for a few days & when you return to pick it up they have it glazed & set for you.
The finished product:

Ariel & the Owl
Next up on our outings was a trip to a new indoor play area in The Woodlands called WonderWild. I read an article about it in the Villager so I thought we would check it out.

Mallory, Case & Morgan at the top

Case & Morgan at the very top- Case changed his mind until I went down with him.

I love things that go!!
My review: great for toddlers & great set up to where you can keep an eye on your kids. Both Case & the girls had fun. Negative $10 for all kids walking & $8 for non-walkers. Head down to pump it up for not even half the price & kids are just as happy!