Monday, August 30, 2010


I can not believe that this time 6 + years ago I was in my first volleyball season at The Woodlands and was pregnant with my first child Mallory Ann. It was an amazing season that year. I went 14-0 in district, made it to the playoffs and was having a great first pregnancy. I always said Mallory was my lucky charm. Fast forward to today and I now have a child in Kindergarten!! Where has the time gone?

The night before Mallory's big day we made her lunch, packed her snack and laid out her clothes for the big day. Mallory was most excited about riding the bus the next morning. Unfortunately due to my school schedule I could not put her on the bus her first day but luckily Lonnie was around for the big honor. He said she was all smiles. I of course cried like a baby on and off all day thinking about her going off to school.

Waiting for the bus.

I am ready!!

Lonnie said when she got on she wasn't too sure where to go or what to do but she soon found a seat and off she went. I got home that afternoon and could not wait to hear all about her first day. Of course since Mallory is 5 going on 15 she was hesitant to spill too much information just telling me and I quote, "Mom, it's not a big deal, uh.." something like that. After much prying and threatening she opened up and we heard how great her first day was. Her teacher is Mrs. Murphy who she likes a lot. She has PE every day which she enjoys. Eating at the cafeteria was a big success, etc. She also made a new friend on the bus who lives down the street named Katie. On day two she came home and told me that her and Katie have decided to be friends. So sweet! They have already had a play date and will have another one today.

Mallory also had her first homework assignment. It was really cute. They had to draw a house and cut out a window for each member of the family. Behind the window they inserted a picture of each member then cut and glued the house on cardboard. I wish I would have taken a picture because it came out really good. There were 7 windows on her house. Mom, Dad, Mallory, Morgan, Case and of course the puppies Broadie and Brynn. It was a great first week!

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