You think since it was summertime and I am at home that I would be better at blogging but not so much. I find the only time I have a few minutes to myself is late at night in between Case waking up and at that time I am usually too tired. I will try to be better! So far this summer we have been busy, busy. Case turned 4 months last week and he was 15 lbs, 2 oz and 26 inches long. (57% weight and 87% height) I checked his stats with the girls and he was same height as Mal and taller than Morgan but weighed less than both. I like to call him my "grazer". He likes to eat all day(and night still) which is different then the girls were- they stocked up. I hope he will soon kick this habit so I can sleep! His new things are: blowing bubbles(will try and get on video- had an unsuccessful attempt), eat his toes and hands, bring toys to his face and eat them, has rolled over a few times and loves to smile. I really need to get some pics of him doing that because it completely changes his look.
The first week we got out of school I had my summer volleyball camp. My niece Taylor(my brother's daughter) was old enough to come this year and she stayed for the week. Taylor is an AMAZING cousin to the girls. She is so sweet, patient and loving to them. We enjoyed seeing her so much. We swam at mammy's, went to pump it up and had her over for a sleep over.
I am so bummed I did not get any pictures of my former neighbor Kenna and her kids Jake and Eva who were in town from California visiting. I was so glad to catch up with her and miss her tons. I am hoping we can make it out to visit her some time soon.
This week we are taking our family vacation to San Antonio with our friends the Perronis and the McKinneys. I will be sure to post lots of pics from the trip- there will be 8 kids total!! fun, fun, fun
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