Wednesday, November 11, 2009

One season ends, the other continues

So I have decided with the upcoming Madison addition and my life about to get really crazy I would start a blog to keep everyone filled in. In case I haven't talked to you in a while here is a summary of what has been going on the last few months in the Madison house. Volleyball ended for me last night in the Regional Quarterfinals. After an amazing season 39-7, we came up just short losing to a team from Austin. It was frustrating to lose not playing our best but everything happens for a reason. Mallory told Lonnie she wanted me to lose so I would be home now and that makes the loss worth it, being with the girls more. Lonnie's season has been awesome as well. His team finished the regular season 10-0 and will have their first playoff game this week. Go Tigers. My attention will now turn to rooting him on. Morgan turned 3 on Monday and loved her new bike, her Barbie cake and everyone singing to her. She is getting so grown up. Mallory continues to be the smartie pants that she is, loves her school and is a great big sister. She will be 5 a month from today. I am now 26 weeks prego and huge. I think I am the same size I was at the end with the girls and I am not due until February 19th. I am afraid Case Patrick is going to be a big boy. I am ready to rest, relax and get the nursery ready for his arrival which I can focus on now that vball is over.

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog and the updates! Congrats on a great season and congrats on getting to be home to relax and be with the girls more!
